Tweet from PeppeRmintBXL

@PeppeRmintBXL Passez au naturel avec #Arkopharma @ArkopharmaBE 20/06/2017 | 11:22 am

Tweet from PeppeRmintBXL

@PeppeRmintBXL Kies voor het natuurlijke met #Arkopharma @ArkopharmaBE 20/06/2017 | 11:21 am

Either in a #barbecue, or on top of your fries… This new @kraft_heinz #Ketchup 🍅 will be your best friend this summer ☀️Less salty, less calories… I mean it’s like the best thing ever right? 😎 #heinz

Either in a #barbecue, or on top of your fries… This new @kraft_heinz #Ketchup 🍅 will be your best friend this summer ☀️Less salty, less calories… I mean it’s like the best thing ever right? 😎 #heinz

Tweet from PeppeRmintBXL

@PeppeRmintBXL RT @AmotherinBxl: Alex Joseph from rougetomatebruxelles revisited the #Heinz Tomato Ketchup today… So, for the… 19/06/2017 | 9:44 am

Tweet from PeppeRmintBXL

@PeppeRmintBXL RT @brusselblogt: Alex Joseph van Rouge Tomate gaat aan de slag met de nieuwe ketchup van #heinz met minder suiker en zout.… 19/06/2017 | 9:43 am

Tweet from PeppeRmintBXL

@PeppeRmintBXL Kraft Heinz lance un nouveau ketchup contenant 50 % de sucre et 50 % de sel en moins 16/06/2017 | 2:51 pm

Tweet from PeppeRmintBXL

@PeppeRmintBXL Kraft Heinz lanceert nieuwe ketchup met 50% minder suiker en 50% minder zout 16/06/2017 | 2:51 pm

Thank you all for coming to our amazing @kraft_heinz event @rougetomatebruxelles for the #heinz #ketchup 50/50 discovery 🍅🍅🍅 Round 2 this evening 😉

Thank you all for coming to our amazing @kraft_heinz event @rougetomatebruxelles for the #heinz #ketchup 50/50 discovery 🍅🍅🍅 Round 2 this evening 😉

Tweet from jmgheraille

@jmgheraille RT @PeppeRmintBXL: At Rouge Tomate in Brussels for the @KraftHeinzCo event. Presenting the new #heinz ketchup bottle with 50/50 less sugar… 16/06/2017 | 10:37 am

Tweet from PeppeRmintBXL

@PeppeRmintBXL At Rouge Tomate in Brussels for the @KraftHeinzCo event. Presenting the new #heinz ketchup bottle with 50/50 less s… 16/06/2017 | 10:37 am